Nullish coalescing operator is a new operator in javascript, which is actually an ES2020 specification. It is a short-circuiting operator much like the &&
and ||
What is it?
Nullish coalescing operator (??
) is a logical operator that returns its RHS operand when the LHS operand is nullish
(null or undefined), otherwise returns its LHS operand.
const name = null ?? 'John Doe'
// output: John Doe
Why do we need it?
Prior to nullish coalescing operator, the logical OR (||
) operator is used to check for nullish values.
const name = null || 'John Doe'
// output: John Doe
But the problem is ||
check for truthy
or falsy
value. That is it returns RHS operand when LHS operand is falsy
(null, undefined, false, 0, '', NaN), otherwise it returns LHS operand.
const name = '' || 'John Doe'
// output: John Doe
const name = '' ?? 'John Doe'
// output: ''
To better understand the problem, consider the following code sample.
function joinArray(array, delimiter) {
delimiter = delimiter || ',';
return arr.join(delimiter);
In this example, the delimiter
parameter is optional. ,
will be the default value if no value is passed for the delimiter parameter. But there is a bug in this code. What happens if we want to join the array without any delimiters, that is using '' as the parameter?
let joined = joinArray(['Find', 'the', 'bug'], '');
// expected output: Findthebug
// actual output: Find,the,bug
As you can see, the expected output is 'Findthebug', but the actual output is 'Find,the,bug'. This is because the ||
operator only checks if the operands are truthy
or falsy
and the empty string (''
) evaluates to false. So the RHS operand, comma (,
) in this case is returned.
We can fix this bug easily by replacing ||
with ??
function joinArray(array, delimiter) {
delimiter = delimiter ?? ',';
return arr.join(delimiter);
And we get the correct results.
let joined = joinArray(['Find', 'the', 'bug'], '');
// output: Findthebug
Note on Chaining with AND or OR operators
It is not possible to chain AND (&&) and OR (||) operators directly with ??
. Combining this will throw a syntax error.
const name = null || undefined ?? 'John Doe'
//Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '??
If you need you to combine them, then you must wrap one of the operator groups in parenthesis.
const name = (null || undefined) ?? 'John Doe'
This will remove the ambiguity and anyone reading the code can immediately understand what it does. Happy Coding!